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7 Shocking Ways Angels Speak To You Every Day

7 Shocking Ways Angels Speak To You Every Day

Angels. The very word conjures up mental imagery of translucent beings attached to wings. But are angels real? Thats because there exists an intersection between human spirituality and general psychology.

Recently, I had the opportunity sit down with a Native Indian healer named Ben who regularly infuses elements of spirituality into his practice as a shaman.

He explained to me that while the term angel may subjective, its meaning is universal. Heres how he defines an angel. Your definition may or may not be the same. Intrigued, I asked him to tell me more. What Ben shared was fascinating! In fact, I was so caught up with his insight that I decided to jotit all down.

What follows are 7 shocking ways angels speak to you every day.

1. In Your Dreams
Angels very often come to you in your dreams, but you may not recognize them or remember the dreams upon waking. To heighten your awareness of dream time communications from your angels, spend a few minutes speaking to your angels before you go to sleep.

Ask your angels to visit you in your dreams and share important insights that you may need to know. Keep a notebook and pen by your bed, and upon waking try to recall your dreams. Jot down any details you can remember, even if they don’t seem to be related to angels

Over time, you may start receiving messages from your angels while you dream, and you will improve your ability to recall anything of importance.

For example, if you have been dreaming about someone with brown eyes, it may be a message from beyond that suggests you need to become warmer and more open to someone you love.

2. Feelings and Physical Sensations
Sometimes your angels will try to get your attention through physical sensations like tingling, a feeling of warmth spreading over you, a light touch on your hand, a feeling of someone gently stroking your hair, or even a tangible presence in the room with you.

This often happens when you are frightened or sad about something and your angels want to comfort you. When you feel sensations like these, be sure to acknowledge them.

Say, “Thank you angels, I can feel you here with me and I’m grateful for your love and support.”

3. Verbal Communication
Your angels may also communicate in more obvious ways, like speaking directly to you. You may hear a voice, either inside your head or a voice that seems to come from outside of you, even when no one else is around.

Very often this will happen when your angels need to share some vital information to keep you safe. They may say things like, “Obey the speed limit,” or “Don’t take the freeway today.” This kind of communication can be difficult to believe at times.

You may wonder if you are just imagining the voice, and you may even be tempted to dismiss it. Even if you have doubts about whether your angels are really speaking to you, it’s a good idea to follow the advice you hear because most of the time it will help you avoid some unpleasant experiences.

4. Other Sounds
Angels can also communicate with other sounds besides voices. You may hear faint vocalizations that sound like angels singing, soft bells chiming, or music with no apparent source. When this happens, acknowledge it and ask your angels to make it clearer.

You might say something like this: “Angels, I think I hear you, but it’s very faint. Can you make it a little bit louder?” Then sit quietly and concentrate, and most often you will be able to tune in better.

5. Mental Visions
If you are a visual person, you may see mental visions while meditating or in the last few minutes before you fall asleep. You may see swirling colors, sparkles of light, or even a clear image of one of your angels standing before you.

It is also possible to see visual phenomena in your surroundings as you go about your daily routine. You may see little flashes or streaks of light, or catch a quick glimpse of a glowing figure that looks like an angel, but it disappears when you turn to look directly at it

This usually means that you are becoming more sensitive to the presence of your angels. They are always around you, but you may not have been tuned in enough to notice it before.

6. Signs and Symbols
Your angels may also communicate by giving you little signs or symbols throughout the day. These signs can vary widely, and they will usually be very personal to you.

Some examples might be finding white feathers wherever you go; seeing a bumper sticker that reads, “You Are Loved” just when you needed such a reminder; or a perfect flower growing in a place you least expected it.

The best way to tell whether these experiences are truly signs from your angels or mere coincidence is to pay attention to how you feel. A sign from your angels will always have a strong feeling attached to it, like a heightened sense of awareness or a strong feeling that someone is trying to tell you something.

7. Human and Animal Helpers
Angels can also communicate with you through human or animal “helpers”. For example, you might ask your angels for advice on a particular subject before you go to work, and then one of your co-workers will utter the exact words you needed to hear.

Or you might see an animal in nature and it seems to grab your attention very strongly, so you’ll look up the symbolism of that animal and find that it holds significance for you.

Your angels can communicate with you in endless ways, but the key is to simply pay attention. The more you work on heightening your awareness of your angels and following the insights and hunches you receive from them, you will become much more confident in knowing when your angels are trying to get your attention.

Final Thoughts
Below I have included a book below entitled Angels 101 by Dr. Doreen Virtue. Sheexplores the topic of angels in detail. What’s great about this read is the non-denominational approach the author takes in exploring this topic.

The question of rather whether angels are real or not is up to you. If you are a person who likes to include elements of Jungian psychology and psycho-spirituality into your daily wellness routine, this might be something you want to check out.